CEAP Accreditation Guidelines

CCHI accredits various types of continuing education programs that are delivered in any venue – classroom, online, conference sessions, or workshops. The key factors to earning CCHI accreditation are that the course content is beyond a beginner-level difficultyand aligns with the knowledge that serves as the context for the healthcare interpreting profession, and that the course is developed and delivered using best practices for adult learning.

Organizations or individuals that create and deliver continuing education and/or training activities, courses or programs are eligible for CCHI’s Continuing Education Accreditation Program if the program meets CCHI’s six Accreditation Criteria. The CEAP reviews and accredits courses which may also appeal to other healthcare professions and other certification program requirements which include knowledge, skills and abilities normally associated with healthcare interpreters.

CCHI’s Accreditation Criteria are a combination of CCHI’s National Job Task Analysis for Healthcare Interpreters and NCIHC’s National Standards for Healthcare Interpreter Training Programs.

Accreditation Guidelines

Criterion 1: Program or session exposes the participant to the essential body of knowledge that serves as the context for the healthcare interpreting profession and aligns with one or more of the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for competent performance of the job of healthcare interpreters.

  1. Professional Responsibility and Interpreter Ethics
  2. Manage the Interpreting Encounter
  3. Healthcare Terminology
  4. U. S. Healthcare System
  5. Cultural Responsiveness
  6. Interpret Consecutively
  7. Interpret Simultaneously
  8. Sight Translate/Translate (Written) Healthcare Documents
  9. Demonstrate Near-native Language Proficiency in Working Languages

Please refer to CCHI’s Examinations Specifications for details:

For examples of accepted CE topics, visit http://cchicertification.org/accepted-ce-topics/.

CCHI encourages accreditation of language-specific and performance based (PB) training programs of any format. CCHI defines performance based training as training aimed to improve the healthcare interpreter's skills in the three interpreting modes - consecutive, simultaneous and sight translation. (Indicate in the description of your program (a field in the online accreditation application) if it is performance based.)

Criterion 2:  Program or session utilizes principles of adult learning and instructional methods appropriate for the program goals, type and venue.

  1. Interactive methods:

    Instruction is based on interactive techniques when possible that engage participants in ways that challenge them to internalize the content and develop the skills required of an interpreter.

  2. Guided practice:

    Instruction dedicates time to guided practice, gives participants directed feedback, and monitors their skill development when possible.

  3. Participant learning needs:

    Instructional methods accommodate different learning styles and the knowledge and skills participants bring with them when possible.

  4. Varied teaching methods:

    A variety of teaching methods appropriate for the program type and venue are used, and may include the following.

    1. Presentation methods(Lectures using visual aids and opportunities for interaction; readings, references, and links to resources; guest presenters, such as practitioners or working interpreters; participant presentations; instructor modeling of effective practice; video, film, and vignettes to demonstrate real practice; and storytelling providing real world situations)
    2. Skill-building exercises(Shadowing, paraphrasing, message analysis exercises, message conversion exercises, error analysis, prediction skills, memory exercises, note-taking exercises, and terminology-building exercises)
    3. Guided practice of consecutive dialogue interpreting(Behavior rehearsal through role plays—scripted and unscripted, progressive, simulations with invited practitioners or standardized patients, supervised practicum/internship, video/audio self-recording and review)
    4. Critical thinking analysis for decision-making(Case studies, application of code of ethics to ethical dilemmas/scenarios, guided discussions, sharing of experiences brought by participants)
    5. Structured feedback(Instructor to trainee, peer to peer, self-evaluation, coaching, back interpreting, formative and final assessment)
    6. Self-directed study(Development of personal glossaries, language conversion practice, homework assignments, report on self-critique of performance or error analysis, observational reports, readings on patient culture and interpreter experiences)
    7. Observation followed by discussion(Videos, audio recordings; shadowing; field trips)

Criterion 3: Program operates in an open and transparent manner

  1. Program’s description, publications, announcements, and advertising accurately reflect the program of study offered, including information on the following when applicable to the program type and venue:
    1. Application process
    2. Admission requirements and methods of assessment
    3. Training or course syllabi
    4. Criteria for successful completion and methods of assessment
    5. Type of attendance documentation provided
    6. Tuition and fees
    7. Withdrawal and refund policies
    8. Instructor/teaching team qualifications
    9. Organizational affiliation
  2. Program provides opportunities for prospective participants to find out about the program in advance. 
  3. Program maintains records that are accessible to participants and including the following:
    1. Attendance status
    2. Grades and assessments, if applicable
    3. Type of attendance documentation provided
  4. Program has an ongoing system for evaluating the effectiveness of the program and making improvements based on the evaluation results (e.g., assessment results, participant feedback, teaching team debriefs, or feedback from employers of the program’s participants).

Criterion 4:  Program has an explicit and documented program of study

  1. The program design
    1. identifies the goals and learning objectives that the program covers provides a scope and sequence of instruction that will meet the program’s goals and learning objectives;
    2. integrates background knowledge, theory, skill development, and when possible, assessment;
    3. provides a participant-to-teacher ratio that aligns with the delivery method and will facilitate the achievement of the stated program goals and learning objectives;
    4. provides participants with ready access to applicable course materials; and
    5. is based on sound pedagogy and research on the acquisition of the required knowledge and skills.
  2. Each program has a written description that aligns with the program type and delivery method and, where appropriate, includes
    1. learning objectives;
    2. content covered;
    3. instructional methods used;
    4. training materials;
    5. expectations of participants;
    6. assessment criteria, if applicable; and
    7. resources for further study for both knowledge and skill areas.
  3. Practice and reference materials are available in the working languages of the participants when feasible.
  4. The program includes a practicum/internship when possible based on the program type, objectives, and delivery method.


Criterion 5:  Program is taught by individual instructor(s) or teaching team(s) that have the academic and experiential qualifications and professional background needed to meet program goals and objectives.  The ideal characteristics for instructors include:

  1. Interpreting experience that brings relevant, real-life examples into the training;
  2. Competency in adult education techniques, either through study or a proven track record;
  3. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to work effectively in cross-cultural settings and teach to diverse learning and communication styles; and
  4. Up to date understanding on developments in adult pedagogy, classroom management, techniques in interpreting pedagogy, and the field of healthcare interpreting.

Criterion 6:  Program provides feedback and assessment consistent with the program goals and when appropriate for the program type and venue.

  1. The program provides participants with periodic and timely feedback on their progress.
  2. At the conclusion of the program, participants’ acquisition of the knowledge is assessed, when possible, to determine whether the participant has met the identified exit criteria.